Welcome to NetSuraksha.

An Android application that will provide you with tips, tricks, do's and dont's when you are on the internet.

Download the application for updates on various security tips and gain awareness about staying safe online.


Snapshots of NetSuraksha

NetSuraksha is a non-profit organisation solely founded to spread free cyber security awareness,tips and best practises to safely use the Internet and smartphones.

Features of NetSuraksha

NetSuraksha is a non-profit organisation solely founded to spread free cyber security awareness,tips and best practises to safely use the Internet and smartphones.

Secure Online Accounts

Secure your Banking, Email, Social Network, Job Portal accounts etc from Hackers & to prevent illegal activities.

Cyber Crimes

Some Types of Cyber Crimes -> Banking Frauds, Cyber Espionage, Email Phishing.

Mobile Security

Save yourself from Mobile criminals & attacks on you smartphones like Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry.

Security Updates

Net Suraksha periodically reminds you of best practices to be followed in order to keep yourself secured in the dark world of cyber crime.

About NetSuraksha

NetSuraksha is a non-profit organisation solely founded to spread free cyber security awareness,tips and best practises to safely use the Internet and smartphones.

Thus having the agenda of minimizing the growing rate of cyber crime increasing drastically with the increasing growth of smartphone users and the Internet. Common sense and awareness are 2 key ingredients to minimize and mitigate cyber crimes.

Hence with this app we tend to fullfill this by regularly posting awareness,do's and dont's and safety measures while using the Internet and smartphones.

It is a subsidary of Netconclave Systems led by cyber security expert Niranjan Reddy.

Download NetSuraksha Application

An Android application that will provide you with tips, tricks, do's and dont's when you are on the internet.


Find NetSuraksha on Google Play